In case you haven’t heard yet, we are closing on the Pleasant Acres house on April 30th! (If you have any empty boxes, send ‘em my way!) During this process, I’ve realized how much of my life has involved striving for acceptance. Even my rebellious teenage antics worked to grant me general acceptance among many high school peer groups, although I’d say I never achieved a “full membership” in any of them. I studied for 11 years in order to be accepted to college (and no one’s even heard of Clemson up here!!). Matea and I left the South in search of acceptance and inclusion, put our best selves forward in interviews in order to impress potential employers. And here we find ourselves again, relieved at having won the approval of our lender, keeping our fingers crossed also that the inspector approves of our home’s imperfections tonight. There’s a lot of impressing to manage! I honestly don’t know how people of faith can do it, to have that omnipresent judgment and ire “hanging over them,” as it were. Not that I wouldn’t “pass” in that regard, too, I suppose, but good grief.
Well, hope you weren’t expecting too much from this blog entry. Wasn’t in the mood to impress. If disappointed, unsubscribe now. ;)
5 years ago